Well Woman Exam

Well Woman Exam services offered in Brandon, FL

Well Woman Exam

A regular well-woman exam establishes a baseline measurement of your overall health and detects any problems before they create serious complications. At Equilibri Health and Wellness in Brandon, Florida, Brandi Rhody, FNP-C, APRN, offers comprehensive well-woman exams to support your gynecological health and help you live your best life. If you’re due for an exam, call or use the online tool to schedule today.

Well Woman Exam Q & A

Why do I need a well-woman exam?

You should schedule a well-woman exam yearly to evaluate your sexual and reproductive health. These visits are important even if you feel perfectly healthy and have no symptoms or questions. 

These regular visits allow Brandi to track changes in your health that occur over time. Many gynecological health issues have no outward symptoms until they've reached a serious stage. Regular well-woman exams can identify problems in their early stages when they're most treatable.

Well-woman exams are also a time for you to ask questions about your sexual health. 

What screenings are provided during a well-woman exam?

During well-woman exams, Brandi can perform or order important screenings you may need, including:

  • Pap smear
  • Hormonal tests
  • Mammogram
  • Colon cancer screening (colonoscopy)
  • Osteoporosis screening
  • STD testing

The screenings and tests you need depend on your age, symptoms, and overall health.

What happens during a well-woman exam?

During your well-woman exam, important health information, such as your weight, heart rate, and blood pressure is obtained. Brandi will also ask about any symptoms you may be experiencing, including unusual vaginal discharge, irregular periods, or pelvic pain.

She also performs a general physical exam that emphasizes a pelvic examination. This includes a visual examination of your external genitalia and an internal look at your reproductive organs. 

A Pap smear — a simple swab of your cervix —is performed to check for irregular cells that are a precursor to cervical cancer. You'll also have a clinical breast exam and discuss issues like birth control, sexual activity, pregnancy planning, and other recommended screenings. 

Brandi also provides information and education about lifestyle habits, including diet, exercise, sexual habits, and smoking.

How often should I schedule a well-woman exam?

Women should begin well-woman exams starting around age 14-16. These initial visits don't usually include a pelvic exam but do provide a chance for girls to ask questions and learn about sexual and reproductive health.

Once a woman reaches 21, she should schedule regular annual exams. While the nature of these exams changes during different stages of life, well-woman exams should continue through childbearing, middle adulthood, menopause, and post-menopause. 

To schedule your well-woman exam, call Equilibri Health and Wellness or use the online tool to make an appointment today.