Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement services offered in Brandon, FL

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

If you’re experiencing uncomfortable or disruptive symptoms of hormonal imbalance, help is available through the care of nurse practitioner Brandi Rhody, APRN, FNP-C at Equilibri Health and Wellness in Brandon, Florida. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help you feel more like yourself again. When you’re ready to begin, call or schedule an appointment online. 

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Q & A

What are some signs I might need HRT?

Hormones, manufactured by your own body, work quietly behind the scenes to drive a wide array of bodily functions, from how you metabolize food into energy to regulating your mood throughout the day. 

Some hormones, often referred to as sex hormones, regulate your reproductive system. Your production levels of these hormones increase during puberty and tend to drop off as you move through the later stages of middle age. Certain medical conditions and treatments can also throw these hormones out of balance. 

Knowing what to keep an eye out for can help you know when to seek medical guidance. 

Here are some of the signs of hormonal imbalance in men:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Swollen breast tissue
  • Thinning hair
  • Shrinking testicles

Here are some signs of hormonal imbalance in women:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding
  • Excessive hair growth

Both men and women can encounter these changes:

  • Low sex drive
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disruption
  • Dry skin

HRT can help by supplementing your natural hormone production levels and restoring optimal balance. 

What is bioidentical HRT (BHRT)?

Bioidentical hormones match the chemical structure of the hormones produced by your body and therefore mimic the ones your body produces naturally. They are so similar, in fact, that your body cannot detect the difference between supplemental bioidentical hormones and those you create yourself. 

Synthetic hormones have a different chemical structure from the hormones produced by your body.  They are produced from animal tissues, like the urine of pregnant horses. However, bioidentical hormones are made from plant sources such as yams and soy. Many people believe that bioidentical hormones make it easier for your system to integrate. 

How long does it take to see results from BHRT?

It takes time for your body to adjust to hormone replacement therapy, so be patient as you move through the process. Some people begin to see symptom relief within a few weeks, but the full effects will take months to develop. 

Keep track of any changes you notice, both positive and negative. These notes help Brandi customize your BHRT program as needed. Share the full details of your health history before beginning treatment, including a list of all medications and supplements you take. 

When you’re ready to book a visit at Equilibri Health and Wellness, call the office or visit the online booking page to find a time that fits your schedule.